Kalithea |
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There are no translations available Its distance from Thessaloniki is 94 km and from Poligiros 51km. The Kallithea (or Maltepe) was founded afterwards 1922 from refugees of Asia Minor. The region of however village and particularly the coast front in the settlement is related immediately with eminent holy Ammona Zeus. Idolatrous events in the space of holy should begin very early. Around in the means of 8th century p.C. was founded one holy dedicated in the Dionysus and the Nymphs. When it began the adoration Ammona Zeus is not known, but without fail in in 5th p.C. cen. The temple was manufactured the b' of half the 4th aj. p.C., but shortly suffered serious damage and was repaired the 3rd cen. p.C. At the romans years (1st 22nd after Christ century) was embanked the old altar and was manufactured new, smaller. Then were built also the new buildings with tiers, probably in order to they watch from there faithful "events" in altar. In holy the Dionysus existed palace of adoration and was worshipped also the "Apollo Kanastraios". The group of holy was destroyed violently, perhaps in the years of Great. Theodosius. Then it will be supposed was built oldChristian royal by that found itself only architectural members.The holy of Ammona Zeus it constituted one from his more important spaces of adoration Zeus in ancient Greece. The inhabitans of Afito, in that you belong holy, honoured a lot his Ammona Zeus and represent head in the currencies of their city. The abundant waters and the rich vegetation that they embelished holy in the antiquity, were well-known. Thus, when fall ill from burns the Spartans general Agisipolis in the Toroni, asked him to transport in "shady relics and in brilliantly and chill waters of" his holy Dionysus, where it died also. In the Byzantine years it appears that the region was deserted. Around in the dues of first millenium it should was built small temple (4x 2,70m.)toy what the ruins found in small surfacex above the entry of cavern of Nymphs. It was built mainly with material taken from ancient holy and was wall painted. In 1071 had been created already there the big monastery dependency of abbey of Saint Panteleimonos of Mount Athos. In 1863, extending the building installations monastery depedency, the monks found a lot of architectural members holy and statues. Many of this discoveries keep today in the collection of abbey of Saint Panteleimon in the Mount Athos. In 1969 began in holy the excavations from the Archaeological Service. The discoveries are found in the Archaeological Museum of Poligiros. THE SIGHTS OF AREA: -The holy Ammona Zeus: found of westwards hotel "Ammona Zeus" in the beach of Kallithea. It has dig up a part of temple (it is only saved podium) and the region of altar. The temple of was Dorian rythm. The architectural members of temple were manufactured from local stone and gilt with white marble mortal. Afterwards the partial destruction of temple the 3rd cent. p.C. - destruction which is probably owed in the raid of Galatians - the temple was repaired and new entablature was manufactured by marble. -The holy of Nymphs and Dionysus: it is found southly-western the temple Ammona. Excavated a ladder from stone, gruber in the rock, which leads to cavity of rock. Under the scale was discovered a big cave with beautiful stalactites, which however has still not been searched. -The small Byzantine temple: above the cavern of Nymphs. Is around saved stonework in height in the one metre. -The temple of Saint Panteleimon: it is found behind the hotel. It was around built in 1865 and was the temple monastery dependency. -Note. The four constructed fences that are in the line behind the hotel are related with a watermill that was built there 19th century. |
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