Agios Nikolaos |
Its distance from Thessaloniki is 117 km and 47 km from Polygiro. It has: restaurants, hotels, camping, rooms to rent, post office, O.T.E., police, doctors surgery, pharmacy, taxi, petrol station, car mechanics. The area of Ag. Nikolao is inhabited from the prehistoric years. On the rise <Vetrino>, south west of the village, traces of a prehistoric settlement have been found, which remained till the Hellenistic years. Also at the same time the seaside area <Pirgos> north east of the village was also inhabited. Today's village seems was created before the 14th century. In Athos documents of 1300, it is mentioned that in the area was a settlement by the name <Fournia>, which developed to today's village. The villages verbal delivery mentions that Ag. Nikolaos came to be from various small settlements of the area, to which at some time migrants from Peloponnesus were added. That is how the name <Maniates> which the neighboring villages sometimes call the people of Ag. Nikolao came to be. In 1821 the village was destroyed by the Turks. Interesting sights: -Popular architecture: from the 19th century a lot of houses are still saved with characteristic sample of popular architecture. The tradition of Agio Oros mentions that in Agio Nikolao were very good skilled workmen. Characteristic sample of their work is the unique roofing of the new catholic monastery Xenofontos (1839). -The rise Vetrino: is found at a distance of half an hour by foot south west of the village. Distinctive are the citadels deep fortification cuts and ancient settlement. From the Vetrino (height 216m.) you have a unique view of the whole area, from the Toroneo till the Sigitiko gulf. -The Tower: found at a distance 2,5km on the north east side of the village. The journey can be done by car, on passable dirt road. In the towers area was an important prehistoric settlement that stretched on top of a rocky peninsula, similar to Toronis Likitho. This settlement developed culturally during the classical years, which must have been Sigos, from which the Sigitikos gulf was named. Sigos must have been a Halkideon colony. It is mentioned by Herodotus between the towns that were recruited by Xerxes. After the Persian alliance. The residents took part in the colonization of Olynthos , but later after the Nikea peace (421b.C.) they returned and settled again on their land. From rough archeological observations the town must have been alive during the Hellenistic years. From the ancient town you can see well the podium stevedore on the north shore of the peninsula. During the 14th century found on the peninsula was the monastery of Agiou Nikolaou of Hrisokamarou, which was a monastery dependant on the monastery of Xenofontos. From the building complex saved are the ruins of the tower (from which the area got its name) and the foundations of cells on the crest of the peninsula. We presume the village got its name from the monastery of Ag. Nikolaou. -For those who love hiking, can walk the crest from the Vetrino till the rocky mountain Vrahoto (height 492m duration of one and a half hours walking), from the top they can enjoy the view of the three peninsulas and central Halkidiki. In the middle of the journey you will find the church of Ag. Georgiou, a beautiful sample of popular architecture of the 19th century. REMARKABLE BEACHES FOR SWIMMING: the Solonikiou (4km. towards Pyrgadikia), Pirgos, Trani Ammouda( between ormo Panagias and Pirgo), Ormo Panagias. INTERESTING DEMONSTRATIONS: -27 July the festival of Agias Paraskevis. ( Lets mention that Agios Nikolaos parish the church of Agiou Georgiou, but their patron saint is Agia Paraskevi. They also honor greatly Agious Theodorous, which they hold a festival for at Ormo Panagias church). THE AREAS CHARACTERISTIC PRODUCTS : wine, honey, olive products, fish. |