Nea Kallikratia


Its distance from Thessaloniki is 44 km and 54 km from Polygiros. In Kallikratea you can find: restaurants, hotels, rooms to rent, post office, O.T.E.(telecommunications), police, doctors surgery, chemist, taxi, petrol station, car mechanics. Nea Kallikaratea was founded after 1922 by refuges that came from Kallikratea east of Thrace. Its area though has had residence from prehistoric years. One important prehistoric settlement has been found on the west district of the present village. A characteristic finding from the classic years is the tomb bas-relief which is at Thessaloniki archeological museum. It represents a young girl holding a pigeon. It is a masterpiece created around 440 b.C. and seems to be work of a wandering artist from Paro. Historians of art characterize it as